What is in your hands?

Hello dear friends!!!

I was preparing for my birthday photo shoot and needed to decide on my outfits.
Guess the first place I checked? Not the beautiful online stores but my wardrobe 😊.
Voila I turned my wedding aso oke to a beautiful gown 😁😁😁😘 Special thanks to @meloni_ng for making the gown.
Many times we are quick to see things we don’t have and wish/pray for them.
So we wish we were born in other countries, better jobs, more money, better car …..the list is endless
We need to first appreciate the things we have already and maximise them!
Remember in the parable of the talent, everyone was given something. God did not judge them based on the number of talents but on the use of the talent (Matt 25:14-30)
Take time to assess what you have in your hands already and turn them to beautiful things 😘😘😘
Have a graceful week ahead
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2 thoughts on “What is in your hands?

  1. I love that, God bless you for that word. It’s not what we have or how many but it’s how we use what we have.

    1. Dear Margaret, thank you for reading. Amen at the prayer and God bless you too. Live a purposeful life dear. Cheers.

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