Shred them!

It was a beautiful Thursday morning, I got to the office in good time and picked my laptop from the booth.

It was heavy, over the months this laptop bag has gotten heavier and heavier. Initially I did not realize but now it was very obvious. I could not use the stairs most times because of the weight from carrying the bag, so I opted for the lift ( not my healthy option).


Once I got to my desk, I searched the bag to see what made it soo heavy. It was not the essential laptop, I found several draft reports and documents I had worked on months ago.
What were they still doing in the bag? These reports have been submitted and published. So why was I still holding on to them, perhaps for memory keeps…. I was not sure but I knew it was time to drop them!
I carefully brought them out and started by tearing them, some were too bulky to tear so I decided to shred. Shredding was a lot easier, it didn’t require any physical strength. The machine did it all…

Now my laptop bag is light!!! Extremely light, with just the laptop and few note pads.
I am back to using the stairs. I am so glad I took time to check the bag and I got rid of the non essentials.

This new week, take time to shred those things that have made life heavy – unforgiveness, fear, worries, hurt, regrets, past failures…Do it with God, share them with Him and let Him shred them all.

Greatness awaits you, don’t hold on to the non essentials. 👍🤗😘
Picture source: google images (americanshredderinc), google images (amazon)
#shredit #chroniclesofgrace #purposeful #inspirational #newweek

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