The Noise!!!! What purpose?

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I was looking forward to the rest and staying in doors.

Then I heard the noise!!!
It was loud and intense, it was coming from just infront of our house. Windows and doors closed yet, the noise came in easily.
As I stood outside to bid my hubby farewell, I was composing the text I would send to the estate group in my head….
Hubby called me and asked me to calm down and allow it go. I obeyed…
By mid day, I caught up with one of the estate workers and nicely asked and she said the noise was from the clearing of the land for the children’s play centre. Afterwards my heart was glad and I relaxed…
Though the noise was still there till evening and the next day, I was calmer because I understood the purpose of the noise. It was towards a beautiful play ground for Queen Folagbade and the other children, so it was worth it!!!😘😘😁
Is there so much noise around you, inconvenience and seemingly unbearable?Seek to find the purpose of the noise. It just may be for a more beautiful future, calm down and focus on the future. For it will be worth it!!!
*Update – Now the Queen and her beautiful friends are building castles at the play ground 😁😁
Great weekend ahead!!!
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