The RUSH…. bring it to the light

It was a Monday morning in May and I must have woken up a bit late so the rush was on a higher level.
Almost set to leave, I realized I left my shoes upstairs and begged hubby to help me get them, he jokingly refused and so I climbed to get them. I wore them, jumped into the car, drove and don’t remember all that happened till I got to work. I did my makeup in the car as usual 😊😊😁😛 and I was about to descend when I saw my shoes… same shoes, different colors lol.
It felt the same when I rushed to wear them, infact then they looked the same…. until I viewed them in the light.
Pls don’t ask me if the lights of my room were not on, I honestly don’t remember…

How many things are we doing now that feel and look right but when we bring to the light are so wrong?
The rush makes us less aware of the “wrongness” of the act that we do not even realize it… the rush to be promoted, acquire a new asset, take care of our needs and family…
It’s a genuine rush yet we must be careful to bring it to the light..

Of course, I couldn’t wear the shoes to work, thankfully I had an extra pair in the car.
Not everyone will always have an extra pair, bring it to the light.

Cheers and may God help us in this race.

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