Our Universities are empty!

It had been months I drove to UNILAG. My designer is located in the school so I frequently visit at least once in a quarter. Yet, I still get the nostalgic feeling every time I do.

As I drove in through the second gate, I decided to pass the route that enables me drive through my former faculty and many familiar places… Yet, it didn’t seem as familiar because the buildings were empty, shops and classrooms empty! This University has been on strike since March 2020.
Do you think it’s COVID19 that had kept the University closed? No, it’s the familiar ASUU strike. It started in March and it has lasted for months with endless negotiations between ASUU and the government at the detriment of the students who are mostly just waiting at home! Don’t ask me can’t the students find productive things to do… Yes, few of them can. But if you remember Nigeria’s high unemployment rate, you will know the chances are low for a graduate to get a good job, talk less of an undergraduate. Also, strike is not summer holiday that you know a defined period, so it is difficult to plan to do X,Y and Z. Strikes are unpredictable times when students are not sure of the length and breadth!
It is saddening to note that this is not peculiar to my alma-matter, this is across the country with the exemption of the private Universities  (wahala for who no get money to pay for private school).
Please let’s wake up to this unhealthy educational system that discourages students from being their best! Youth need the best education they can get if there are chances of competing in the global world and we keep them at home for unending months. Our Universities are empty, we need them reopened ASAP.
Picture source: Blackpast.com
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